Local Activities 1- Online Meeting in Portugal 22/3/21


Lecture within the scope of the HERITAGE FOR YOUth project

On March 22, 2nd year students of Sales and Marketing Technical course, attended a lecture on social entrepreneurship, within the scope of the project HERITAGE FOR YOUth, EUROPEAN HERITAGE FOR YOUTH INVOLVEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, of the Erasmus Program + KA2 – Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth – Exchange of good practices, nº 2020-1-IT03-KA205-01813.

This lecture had two distinct moments, the first part carried out by EPRALIMA project coordinator, Fátima Sá and the second by the Teacher André Mor. During the first part, Fátima Sá had the opportunity to explain to the students the multiple benefits of EPRALIMA and the work developed, with a special focus on the area of ​​European projects, in which the theme of the lecture is inserted. The second part Teacher André Mor described the concept of entrepreneurship to students highlighting the advantages of being an entrepreneur.

In the end, the students showed curiosity about the themes presented and were surprised by the multiple areas in which the school is engaged, mainly the part of European projects.